Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Shelter in Place Day 2

We are wrapping up Day 2 of Shelter in Place. We took a few essential trips outside. John headed to our local Trader Joe's and took a picture of the signs. We took a family bike ride around the neighborhood. We walked to our favorite take-out place for dinner to support a local business. And of course, there is time in our backyard. Sidewalk chalk, balance biking, and skateboarding are all nice breaks. (The picture is from yesterday, but there was more skateboard practice today.) We are renting the most comfortable house of our time in California, and I am so grateful for the space right now.

My emotional moments come when I read about the idea of California schools not reopening this school year. My online teaching will ramp up soon, but it won't be the same. This would be emotional for me at anytime teaching, but it stings as a first year teacher. This was supposed to be 180 days with my first class.

Shelter in Place Day 1

I do not regularly blog, but a few big things bring me back here. I think that the current pandemic is one of them.

I found this picture funny since I teach 4th grade. My classroom was all set up for Monday, March 16th. Then schools closed. Then the San Francisco Bay Area went into "shelter in place" with my county being the epicenter of confirmed cases.

Now I am at home with my family of four, including a two-year-old who only naps some days.