This is a great mantra that I picked up from the video of a TedX talk by Karen Walrond. I can really use this at work since I spend a significant part of my job talking to college students who are in a rough spot (unable to get into their first choice major, unsure of their major, on academic probation, and more). Everyone has a story, and I am trying harder to really listen.
The thing that I love about this talk is how Karen connects life and photography. I do not know much about photography, but I want to learn more. I really enjoy taking photographs, which I mainly do with my iPhone these days. I love how the light streams in to some of my pictures.

The second photo is from Alex's Easter egg hunt this morning. Whatever your beliefs, this is a good practice to follow.
Updated: Karen was kind enough to pair this quotation with one of her beautiful photos. You can check it out and download the PDF here. Thank you!