Saturday, August 25, 2012

Comfort Zone

I start teaching a freshmen seminar class in less than a week. The class is part of a larger program, so the reading and assignments are already set. I've had some realizations as I prepare for the class. I find my self relating to the reading and the class material even though I was a college freshmen fifteen years ago. The main instructor has talked about pushing our students outside of the comfort zone so that they can grow. I have been pushed outside of my comfort zone over the past seven months as we settle in to a new place, and I am finally feeling the growth.

I've already pinned a couple of videos to possibly share with the class. For time management, I think that it is important to examine our priorities:

My husband was watching a video about "Is College Worth It?" recently, so of course I paid attention:

I still have some reading and prep work to do for the first class, but I am excited.


Stephanie Medley-Rath said...

How is your class going?

Sara said...

I am still getting the feel for my class. I have a good group of students (22 first semester "frosh"). It is an "activity section" for a larger class, so I only teach once a week for almost two hours. It will take me a couple more weeks to get used to teaching for that time period.