Friday, January 21, 2011


My mom and I started going to a Zumba class for faculty and staff last semester one evening a week after work. That class is not offered this semester, so we decided to try a general Zumba class today after work at Campus Rec. The room was packed with students when we arrived, but we did recognize one other staff member from our previous class. She left part-way through the class, but my mom and I made it the entire time.

The class was fun, but I did feel a little old. Most of these students were born between 1988-1992. When we danced to Michael Jackson's Beat It, I could not help but think about how none of them were born when this song came out...

The reality of working with college students (especially freshmen) is that they will all be around 18, but I will keep getting older. I realized in a conversation today that I am no longer one of the "young" advisors. But, the good news is that I don't really feel my age.

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