Some parts of pregnancy have been easier than I expected while other parts have been harder than I expected. It was easy to pick out a name and Alex has stuck. For some reason, I found it difficult to choose a crib. I think that reading about recent recalls did not help, but I want to be informed.
I saw a crib I really liked at Baby Depot in Ohio, so yesterday John and I went searching for it here in San Antonio. We found it, both liked it, and bought it. The challenging part was how to get it home. (Note to self, large crib boxes do not fit in a Camry.) It was time to call a friend with a truck. Thanks to Keith we got the crib home that night. John put the crib together today, and we can keep working on the rest of the nursery.
Congratulations! Aren't you so relieved? It looks great!
I love the color. It looks awesome!
Yeah, for the crib.
I love your crib and I am jealous of it!
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