I am taking Up and Running with Photoshop Elements, an online digital scrapbooking class at JessicaSprague.com. Week one of four has concluded, and I made another layout today with the kit and video tutorial. It is all about John, and I had him answer 29 questions for me. Of course, some of his answers made me laugh!
Journaling reads:
Birth date: March 2
Birthplace: West Lafayette, Indiana
Oldest of 4
First video game system: Atari 2600
Favorite cartoon as a kid: Transformers
First computer: Osbourne I
Favorite movie: Dr. Strangelove
(or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb)
Favorite food: Ice Cream
Favorite flavor of Ice Cream: Blue Bell Pistachio Almond
Favorite book: Hitchhicker’s Guide to the Galaxy
First car: 1979 Chevy Impala
Number of vehicles you’ve owned: 10
Favorite song: Why Does the Sun Shine, They Might Be Giants
Favorite album: OK Computer, Radiohead
Favorite holiday: Christmas!
How many times you’ve had stitches: 4(or 5, can’t remember)
Alter ego: Hank Jawalski
First (real) job: Computer Tech @ Wright State University
Current Job: Computer Tech @ University of Texas at San Antonio
Favorite pet: Frida, the dog
First date: According to new data, the Universe began 13.73 billion years ago.
Countries you’ve visited: Canada, Germany, England
Place you want to travel: Australia
Favorite place to visit: My house
Food you won’t eat: Brussel Sprouts
Random fact: Robots are orbiting Saturn.
Random fact: Robots are on Mars.
Random fact: Robots are orbiting the Sun.
Random fact: Robots are on my desk.
1 comment:
Wow. There are a lot of robots out there orbiting...I'm kinda scared.
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